The Challenge

A Dream Opportunity

The existing L&L Market website lacked focus and failed to engage users with compelling photos and features from the many vendors that lease inside. As a personal project, I challenged myself to redesign the website to better showcase the unique offerings of the market and improve user experience.

I also identified a need to reframe the historical aspect of the website, which failed to celebrate the building's prior usage as a hosiery factory. I sought to ensure that the website extended beyond commercial purposes and celebrate a piece of local history to cultivate community and interest from visitors and regular alike.

The Solution

Community, History, and Variety

I reimagined the design to underscore focus, encourage community, and celebrate history.  I made sure all sections were clear and easy to access, and I incorporated engaging and high-quality imagery to highlight the diverse set of vendors and services offered in the market. The design includes a prominent section that highlights the market's history as a former hosiery factory, connecting users to the market's roots in the local community.


Showing, Not Telling

The existing site uses a lot of text where pictures could suffice. My design features high-quality photos and a dynamic layout to encourage exploration of the market's offerings.

The design is focused on photo storytelling to paint a picture and entice people to walk through the doors. Different levels of emphasis are given to photos to create a sense of inclusivity and community. Overall, the redesign uses visuals to effectively communicate the unique offerings of the market, creating an engaging and dynamic user experience.

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Present and Past

People love to connect with the past. The current History Page underscores the new usage of the building, with an emphasis on redevelopment and current trends in commerce.

My design aims to tell a richer story of the building, to put the past on display and allow users to connect with the market, not just as an enterprise, but as a cultural landmark as well.

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A Sense of Community

The overall goal was to feature L&L Market as a place for more than just shopping and eating. My design sought to encourage a sense of community, to get people to return on a regular basis and spend their quality time at L&L.

One way I did this was to prominently feature events at the market. Live events cultivate authentic engagement from people and spread life into a venue. By prioritizing events, hopefully users will find themselves more excited to visit on a regular basis.

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